Saturday, December 29, 2012

A New Year Post.....

Time to blog again.....

Sorry you guys that I didn't wish you all a Merry Christmas on time so here it is now!

This year I wanted to take the time to be thankful. God has changed me a lot year for the good. I just wanted to say that 5 months ago if you asked me if I was going to lose 16 pounds I would say NO. I thought of myself as fine but I truly wasn't. People were lying and tiptoeing around me....the only person I truly need to thank is my father. He knew that I shouldn't have weighed what I weighed and he sure didn't tiptoe around my feelings.....and for that I really want to thank him. He knew what was best for me and I was way to caught up in food heaven to realize that something was wrong. I am very mad at myself for letting it get to where I was. It took pre-diabetes to make me finally get my head caught around the idea that losing weight was something I had to do. I know I haven't been working to hard on my meal plans lately but this next year my goal is to lose a total of 30 almost to 20!  I want to be healthy. I want to be happy with myself. I feel like im on cloud nine with all the complements i've been getting. I don't want to ever be in that dark place again. The place where food was my best friend. Today I have a prayer and I wanted to share it with all of you too....its very personal so please try to understand....

Dear Jesus,
           My life this year was a mess. I ignored you....I blamed you...I was a hot mess. I blamed you for things such as sickness when really I was the one allowing it to come in my life. I really was sinning not because of my weight but because food was becoming an idol for me. I loved it....almost more than you at times. Food was my best friend too. How wrong for me. Thank you for allowing me another chance to get healthy. To lose what I had held onto. I can't wait to see more pound come off. God I NEVER want to be in the place I was again. Where darkness was my hope. Please forgive me for sinning and for putting things in front of you. Please help me to continue to walk in the line of healing. I know that you are healing me. In your name I pray. Amon.

Thank you guys for giving me such a wonderful year. I love you all so much. Make sure your not putting food in front of your life. YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT. <3

- Jenna #letsgethealthy


Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Wednesday December 19, 2012

Hello everyone. Sorry I haven't blogged for a while. To be 100% honest I have not been really feeling bloggy lately. Ive been focusing on my life. I haven't been too strict on my diet ether. Im hoping after the holidays I can focus more on that. I have however lost 14 pounds and counting. I will blog again soon. Thank you for understanding. - Jenna

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where have I been? Weigh in!

Hello everyone. Its been a few weeks since Ive posted and I want to apologize for that. My grandfather had to have heart surgery and its been weighing on my family. I first off want to say I got off of metformin (my pre diabetic meds.) It was making me VERY sick. So we are trying to get the levels down by ourselves with my weight loss. I also am trying some vitamins to get the levels down as well. My goal is to lose 5 more pound by Christmas.


I have officially lost 11 pounds. This is CRAZY. Last year if you would have asked me about my weight I would have said I was fine. WRONG. I have looked back at some pictures that are about 2 months old and I want to just die inside. I had put on TOO much weight. I looked like a ballon face. Whats worse is that everyone around me was telling me I looked fine. To be honest, for the last couple of week I haven't been eating like I should be but something is stopping me from eating to much. Everytime I eat I begin to get nauseas if I eat a single bite over what my body knows whats right. ITS SO STRANGE. I also don't dare eat as much. I get full super quickly. Like today for example....I had a bowl of soup....I only ate half and was full. WHAT EVEN?!?!?!?!? Thank you all for your love and support I believe in myself for once. Now I'm just waiting for the results to show on my stomach. (This is the place that shows the most)

- Jenna #letsgethealthy



Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello everyone! Happy early thanksgiving!!!!!! Since I will be spending time with my family for this holiday I won't be posting until after this week! I'm going to try to stay in my limit during the meals and I hope you do to. Remember instead of gravitating towards big amounts of the bad stuff enjoy smaller portions or what you eat. Try to only have half a slice of that pie or only a few pieces or that turkey! Thank you all for supporting me! I hope you all have an awesome holiday and remember to be thankful for everything!

- Jenna #letsenjoyturkey

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weigh In #1

Hello everyone! Long time no post. I found out the good news last week but havent had the time to post at all. I haven't kept up with a food journal so thats why I haven't posted what Ive been eating. To be honest I have been eating out...but I have been eating the right amount and leaning towards the right foods. I haven't touched a real coke (or any none diet drink) in probably about 4 weeks! I am extremely proud of myself.....I now have a new outlook on life. I keep praying that this keeps working so I can stay motivated. I am worried about gaining weight for no reason but I am trying to speak postively! So for the anouncement. I have officially lost 8 pounds. I havent weighed since last week so maybe I will have a new number to announce again soon! Thank you all!

- Jenna #letsgethealthy


Is it time already? Hey everyone..Christmas is less than 37 days away! So to get in the mood I thought why not get jennaboohealth decorated! Im already decorating my room! I know thanksgiving hasn't past yet but lets get ready for the best holiday ever! - Jenna

Thursday, November 15, 2012

How to: NO sugar added hot cocoa!

Hello everyone! HERE IT IS! My official NO sugar added hot cocoa recipe! Let me say...its the best hot chocolate I have ever had! Its the perfect treat when your craving something sweet but don't want to blow your diet. BTW: ITS UNDER 15 CARBS! If you didnt want it as sweet you could even use less of the hot cocoa mix. Or if you dont enjoy whipped topping take it off for just 11 carbs! I love this and I hope you guys enjoy as well! <3

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Nutritionist Rocks!

Hello! Its been a few day since my last post and thats because life is crazy. Yesterday we had the election....:( and today I had a doctors appointment! Which brings me to why I'm posting here today. I went to my nutritionist today after my first appointment two weeks ago. Let me just say I have the most amazing nutritionist ever! She is so kind and loving and you can deff. tell she loves her job. Thats why I suggest if you ever are having trouble with food related problems I suggest you search until you find the right one. I actually talked to a personal trainer yesterday because my dad had talked to him about me before I got on this new healthy lifestyle path. He was quick to point out that I needed to eat brown rice and 50 carbs was too much and truthfully it ticked me off. It just goes to show you need to find the right person for you. If you want a harsh "lets get toned and tight" type of dude then find one but I think it would be a lot easier to find a kind one like the one I'm seeing. I also wanted to say before I go that I had my second weigh in and I officially lost 5 POUNDS! Thats a lot in 2 weeks! I am extremely proud and so is everyone around me! 

- Jenna #letsgethealthy 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

My life is hectic!

Hello everyone! So I haven't posted a meal plan in a while...but i am sticking with the diet. Life sometimes gets in the way of things. To vent what is on my plate i am writing below what I am having to get done.

.Make and upload 10 videos between this and next week
.Write meal plan daily
.Take medicine on time
.Go to doctors appointments
.Go get new medicine from doctors office
.Learn all the way how to drive
.Start driving more
.Have time with God
.Write in Journal
.Clean room
.Clean other room
.Clean Bathroom
.Clean closet
.Return items to store
.Do school
.Not be tired all the time
.Post on blog
.Eat right
.Look into getting a job
.Learn more spanish
.Email phone company
.Christmas shop
.Go see new movie

My life is CRAZY right now. It may not look like a lot but it is. I am struggling right now. AHHHHH

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween and An Update

Hey lovely people. Happy Halloween. I just wanted to drop in and have not abandoned you.  My life has been SUPER hectic with PCOS doctor appointments (which we did get a final diagnosis on) also after no doctors would take care of my hypothyroidism I finally found an endo. that would. Lately Im going to be honest about my mood. TIRED...TIRED...and DEPRESSED. All I've wanted to do is eat like a pig and sleep. Lets just say netflix has been a very good friend of mine for the last couple of days. I have tried to maintain the good eating habits. Ive been able to keep up except for tonight, which was going to be my cheat day. Ive been able to eat hamburgers at home and some baked fries all under 50 carbs. While I was at my doctors appointment in B-Ham. We stopped off at my favorite place in the entire world....."The Cheesecake Factory." Im not exactly sure if I stayed in range but from what it looked like I think I did. I had cashew chicken (it was kinda gross) and I split a piece of low carb splenda sweetened cheesecake with my mother. Now for today. NOT SO GOOD. Since it is my official "cheat day" I enjoyed myself some chick fil a, pizza, and some candy. (Hey, Its halloween!!) So far I have lost going on 3 pounds. This has blown me and my parents mind. I hope that this cheat day doesn't hert that to much.....

- Jenna #HappyHalloween

This is a picture from last years halloween. Aka: I was hello kitty. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>That is tucker my dog>>

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Bad Day #1

Hello everyone. Lets just start off with its been a LONG and HARD day. In one word I could describe how I was feeling...STARVING! I ate a very good amount today and even allowed myself to have a few chickfila chicken nuggets for lunch....under 15 carbs! But nothing was enough. All I wanted to do is EAT...and EAT....and EAT! For some reason even treating myself to a chicken nuggets wasn't enough. So I did something bad. Now I did promise in the beginning of my blog I told you all and myself that heck...I was going to mess up. I just wasn't expecting it so soon. I gave in to my crazy craving and enjoyed 3/4s of a chickfila chicken sandwich. Plain of course. Out of all my fast food choices chick fil a was my grand choice. Chick fil a's food isn't as terrible as your other choices because  they use REAL chicken unlike Mcdonalds, Burger King, Wendys.. its awful. So I just wanted to share this quick post with you before I go! Not sure if I will be posting a meal plan today but I did have a steak dinner! 

This is Jenna signing off. Humbling myself. :Z

PS: All my meals except for the snack were all under the suggested amount! :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 2: Overview

Hey guys! Today was ALOT tougher than yesterday. I had a BUNCH of cravings. I actually made a stop at krystal for a quick 15 carb snack....but after one bite I found the krystal chicks weren't all chicken. YUCK! So I spit it out! Lets just say I think I almost gave in to the craving. I was saved by the bell. I was able to stay slightly within my 50 carb limit. It was hard but here is the overview of the day.

October 26, 2012 Menu:

Lunch: Mac and cheese 15 carbs (noodles only)
(kraft cheese) 2 carbs
(milk) 2 carbs
BBQ Chicken (meat doesn't have any carbs)
(sauce) 3 carbs
smoothie (mix only) 8 carbs 1/2 a serving
(Apple Juice) 15 carbs!!!!! This is what was so crazy!!!!

Grand Total: 45 carbs out of a possible 50! Talk about cutting it close!

Snack: Fro Yo 1/3 cup 15 carbs
4 Slices of turkey 0 carbs

Total: 15 carbs out of a possible 20!

Dinner: Spaghetti 1/3 cup 15 carbs (noodles only)
(sauce) 5 carbs
Green Beans 3 carbs
1 slice Toast 20 carbs! (bread is ALOT)
Yogurt 3 carbs

Grand Total: 46 out of a possible 50! AHHHHHHH

So as you can see I cut it EXTREMELY close..but hey I have to eat! #letsgethealthy

Dannon Light and Fit!

GOODMORNING!!!! Last night all I could think about was sharing this new little secret I found in the grocery store. I use to love vanilla yogurt but after I found out I was Lactose Intolerant I stopped eating it. I began to sneak back in to the yogurt world with a yogurt called "yocrunch" which to my recent dismay has a LOT of carbs. So when I went to my nutritionist she suggested I should start eating it again. I only was allowed a LOW carb and Low calorie vanilla yogurt (vanilla is the only flavor I like). We shopped and shopped and finally found this baby.

Dannon made a diabetic yogurt with only 3 carbs and 45 calories per cup. From what I saw they only have a few flavors....Strawberry, Vanilla, and maybe others. But vanilla is a world wide favorite. They come in a 4 pack square that you break apart for a new yogurt cup. I love that that they are proud enough about there product that they say its " Diabetic friendly" and it also has the serving amount right in the front of the cup. I would say that for a first glance the yogurt doesn't look like that much but I wasn't able to finish a whole one last night ether. The yogurt isn't clumpy like some yogurts...its smooth and light. I added a few pieces of granola to mine last night as well.

The flavor of the yogurt is pretty good. Its light and smooth..NOT clumpy. You can deff. tell though that it is flavored with some type of artificial sweetener. Its not a bad taste....I really enjoyed it. I give this new product a 2 thumbs up! Im proud of Dannon for coming out with something that everyone can enjoy without getting sick!

- Jenna Nicole #letsgethealthy

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Oct 24, 2012 "1st Day"

Ok, My first food post. So today was VERY successful. I was able to actually stay under my amount of carbs I can have in a day. I was able to fill full quickly and nothing was yucky. I ate what I normally ate just with a plan.

Here is the meal plan:                                                                  This is lunch

Lunch: Vanilla yogurt 3 carbs
1/3 cup rice 15 carbs
4oz chicken tenders (meat does not have carbs)
(cooked in olive oil) 0 carbs
granola (7pieces) 7 carbs
coke zero 0 carbs and 0 cal BONUS!!!
1Tbsp Ketchup 5 carbs

GRAND TOTAL: 26 carbs out of a possible 50!!!!!!

Snack: Fuji Apple 15 carbs
cheese (most cheeses do not have carbs)

Grand Total: 15 carbs out of a possible 20!!!

Dinner: Stir Fry Chicken (meat does not have carbs)
(cooked with stir fry sauce) 3 carbs
flavored rice 1/3 cup 20 carbs
green beans 3 carbs
coke zero 0 carbs 0 cal!!!
Grand Total: 26 carbs out of a possible 50!!!!

Snack: Apple 15 carbs

Today was a total success! I will do a blog post later on this awesome yogurt I have found! Remember to always to challenge yourself! #letsgethealthy

This is dinner! Yum!

HELLO EVERYONE! Today was super exciting. I went out and purchased a cute food journal to keep track of all the carbs I am allowed in a day. Here is my meal plan:

40-50 carbs for lunch

20 carbs for snack

40-50 carbs for dinner

20 carbs for snack

Mini Bio.

Hey everyone! Many of you know I have a youtube channel: Jennaboomakeup but what many of you don't know is that I have a secret problem. When I was 13 years of age I was put on a medicine for depression which caused my weight to SKY ROCKET! I was 97 pounds in the beginning. I was NEVER happy with my body was younger because I always had a little pop out tummy. I had that tummy through out my childhood years, even when I was at the perfect weight. When my weight increased my tummy popped out even more. So much it began to cause people to point out that I was maybe "pregnant" (which I was not!) My weight began to cause stretch marks, acne, and extra pounds. I am at 148 right now and I'm only 4" 11". I recently was having trouble with woman problems. So I went to a nurse practitioner who had me fast and go and get blood drawn. I found out some really bad news. ......

I was insulin resistant. On my way to diabetes. How did my life go from worse. Not to mention I also am an untreated hypothyroid patient. If things weren't begging to look even worse....I learned to my dismay I am also PCOS. (You can look that up) With both disorders I had to lose weight and change my eating habits. So I scheduled an appointment with a local nutritionist and thats where I am today.

Yesterday I went to a nutritionist who in the beginning ticked me off. I was adamant that how I was eating was fine. And that everything is not enough. I soon learned later in the meeting that this could actually be fun. I am on what they call a "low carb diet." Because my body is basically what they call allergic to carbs. I was handed a meal plan working with what "I" wanted to eat. She worked with my pickyness and was able to show me how I could incorporate these things in my new lifestyle.

So I'm going to end it right here. Im Jenna Nicole and I LOVE food. But hey, I don't have to stop loving it I just have to learn how to eat right.

Im going to start posting daily meal plans and what I eat everyday here on this blog. I will try to keep it daily. Some days I may screw up but hey I'm human. Don't forget to after this post to check out my first food post. #Letsgethealthy