Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Nutritionist Rocks!

Hello! Its been a few day since my last post and thats because life is crazy. Yesterday we had the election....:( and today I had a doctors appointment! Which brings me to why I'm posting here today. I went to my nutritionist today after my first appointment two weeks ago. Let me just say I have the most amazing nutritionist ever! She is so kind and loving and you can deff. tell she loves her job. Thats why I suggest if you ever are having trouble with food related problems I suggest you search until you find the right one. I actually talked to a personal trainer yesterday because my dad had talked to him about me before I got on this new healthy lifestyle path. He was quick to point out that I needed to eat brown rice and 50 carbs was too much and truthfully it ticked me off. It just goes to show you need to find the right person for you. If you want a harsh "lets get toned and tight" type of dude then find one but I think it would be a lot easier to find a kind one like the one I'm seeing. I also wanted to say before I go that I had my second weigh in and I officially lost 5 POUNDS! Thats a lot in 2 weeks! I am extremely proud and so is everyone around me! 

- Jenna #letsgethealthy 

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