Saturday, November 3, 2012

My life is hectic!

Hello everyone! So I haven't posted a meal plan in a while...but i am sticking with the diet. Life sometimes gets in the way of things. To vent what is on my plate i am writing below what I am having to get done.

.Make and upload 10 videos between this and next week
.Write meal plan daily
.Take medicine on time
.Go to doctors appointments
.Go get new medicine from doctors office
.Learn all the way how to drive
.Start driving more
.Have time with God
.Write in Journal
.Clean room
.Clean other room
.Clean Bathroom
.Clean closet
.Return items to store
.Do school
.Not be tired all the time
.Post on blog
.Eat right
.Look into getting a job
.Learn more spanish
.Email phone company
.Christmas shop
.Go see new movie

My life is CRAZY right now. It may not look like a lot but it is. I am struggling right now. AHHHHH

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