Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weigh In #1

Hello everyone! Long time no post. I found out the good news last week but havent had the time to post at all. I haven't kept up with a food journal so thats why I haven't posted what Ive been eating. To be honest I have been eating out...but I have been eating the right amount and leaning towards the right foods. I haven't touched a real coke (or any none diet drink) in probably about 4 weeks! I am extremely proud of myself.....I now have a new outlook on life. I keep praying that this keeps working so I can stay motivated. I am worried about gaining weight for no reason but I am trying to speak postively! So for the anouncement. I have officially lost 8 pounds. I havent weighed since last week so maybe I will have a new number to announce again soon! Thank you all!

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

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