Thursday, October 25, 2012

Thursday Oct 24, 2012 "1st Day"

Ok, My first food post. So today was VERY successful. I was able to actually stay under my amount of carbs I can have in a day. I was able to fill full quickly and nothing was yucky. I ate what I normally ate just with a plan.

Here is the meal plan:                                                                  This is lunch

Lunch: Vanilla yogurt 3 carbs
1/3 cup rice 15 carbs
4oz chicken tenders (meat does not have carbs)
(cooked in olive oil) 0 carbs
granola (7pieces) 7 carbs
coke zero 0 carbs and 0 cal BONUS!!!
1Tbsp Ketchup 5 carbs

GRAND TOTAL: 26 carbs out of a possible 50!!!!!!

Snack: Fuji Apple 15 carbs
cheese (most cheeses do not have carbs)

Grand Total: 15 carbs out of a possible 20!!!

Dinner: Stir Fry Chicken (meat does not have carbs)
(cooked with stir fry sauce) 3 carbs
flavored rice 1/3 cup 20 carbs
green beans 3 carbs
coke zero 0 carbs 0 cal!!!
Grand Total: 26 carbs out of a possible 50!!!!

Snack: Apple 15 carbs

Today was a total success! I will do a blog post later on this awesome yogurt I have found! Remember to always to challenge yourself! #letsgethealthy

This is dinner! Yum!

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