Friday, October 26, 2012

Day 2: Overview

Hey guys! Today was ALOT tougher than yesterday. I had a BUNCH of cravings. I actually made a stop at krystal for a quick 15 carb snack....but after one bite I found the krystal chicks weren't all chicken. YUCK! So I spit it out! Lets just say I think I almost gave in to the craving. I was saved by the bell. I was able to stay slightly within my 50 carb limit. It was hard but here is the overview of the day.

October 26, 2012 Menu:

Lunch: Mac and cheese 15 carbs (noodles only)
(kraft cheese) 2 carbs
(milk) 2 carbs
BBQ Chicken (meat doesn't have any carbs)
(sauce) 3 carbs
smoothie (mix only) 8 carbs 1/2 a serving
(Apple Juice) 15 carbs!!!!! This is what was so crazy!!!!

Grand Total: 45 carbs out of a possible 50! Talk about cutting it close!

Snack: Fro Yo 1/3 cup 15 carbs
4 Slices of turkey 0 carbs

Total: 15 carbs out of a possible 20!

Dinner: Spaghetti 1/3 cup 15 carbs (noodles only)
(sauce) 5 carbs
Green Beans 3 carbs
1 slice Toast 20 carbs! (bread is ALOT)
Yogurt 3 carbs

Grand Total: 46 out of a possible 50! AHHHHHHH

So as you can see I cut it EXTREMELY close..but hey I have to eat! #letsgethealthy

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