Saturday, December 29, 2012

A New Year Post.....

Time to blog again.....

Sorry you guys that I didn't wish you all a Merry Christmas on time so here it is now!

This year I wanted to take the time to be thankful. God has changed me a lot year for the good. I just wanted to say that 5 months ago if you asked me if I was going to lose 16 pounds I would say NO. I thought of myself as fine but I truly wasn't. People were lying and tiptoeing around me....the only person I truly need to thank is my father. He knew that I shouldn't have weighed what I weighed and he sure didn't tiptoe around my feelings.....and for that I really want to thank him. He knew what was best for me and I was way to caught up in food heaven to realize that something was wrong. I am very mad at myself for letting it get to where I was. It took pre-diabetes to make me finally get my head caught around the idea that losing weight was something I had to do. I know I haven't been working to hard on my meal plans lately but this next year my goal is to lose a total of 30 almost to 20!  I want to be healthy. I want to be happy with myself. I feel like im on cloud nine with all the complements i've been getting. I don't want to ever be in that dark place again. The place where food was my best friend. Today I have a prayer and I wanted to share it with all of you too....its very personal so please try to understand....

Dear Jesus,
           My life this year was a mess. I ignored you....I blamed you...I was a hot mess. I blamed you for things such as sickness when really I was the one allowing it to come in my life. I really was sinning not because of my weight but because food was becoming an idol for me. I loved it....almost more than you at times. Food was my best friend too. How wrong for me. Thank you for allowing me another chance to get healthy. To lose what I had held onto. I can't wait to see more pound come off. God I NEVER want to be in the place I was again. Where darkness was my hope. Please forgive me for sinning and for putting things in front of you. Please help me to continue to walk in the line of healing. I know that you are healing me. In your name I pray. Amon.

Thank you guys for giving me such a wonderful year. I love you all so much. Make sure your not putting food in front of your life. YOU CAN LOSE THE WEIGHT. <3

- Jenna #letsgethealthy


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