Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Where have I been? Weigh in!

Hello everyone. Its been a few weeks since Ive posted and I want to apologize for that. My grandfather had to have heart surgery and its been weighing on my family. I first off want to say I got off of metformin (my pre diabetic meds.) It was making me VERY sick. So we are trying to get the levels down by ourselves with my weight loss. I also am trying some vitamins to get the levels down as well. My goal is to lose 5 more pound by Christmas.


I have officially lost 11 pounds. This is CRAZY. Last year if you would have asked me about my weight I would have said I was fine. WRONG. I have looked back at some pictures that are about 2 months old and I want to just die inside. I had put on TOO much weight. I looked like a ballon face. Whats worse is that everyone around me was telling me I looked fine. To be honest, for the last couple of week I haven't been eating like I should be but something is stopping me from eating to much. Everytime I eat I begin to get nauseas if I eat a single bite over what my body knows whats right. ITS SO STRANGE. I also don't dare eat as much. I get full super quickly. Like today for example....I had a bowl of soup....I only ate half and was full. WHAT EVEN?!?!?!?!? Thank you all for your love and support I believe in myself for once. Now I'm just waiting for the results to show on my stomach. (This is the place that shows the most)

- Jenna #letsgethealthy



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