Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Food Plan May 8, 2013

Hello everyone. Its seems like everytime I promise to blog more it blows up in my face...anyway....
Today I have my first meal plan for May! I hope to post at least 3 a week. My goal is to get bikini ready for June and July! So here it is....

Chicken Curry 20 Carbs
White Rice 1/2 Cup 15 Carbs
Coconut Soup 10 Carbs
Total: 45/50 Carbs

Chicken and Cheese Sandwich 40 Carbs
Total: 40/50 Carbs

1/2 Cup Fro Yo 15 Carbs
Total: 15/20 Carbs

Total for the day: 100 Carbs

- Jenna Nicole

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Food Plan 4-25-13

Hello everyone! So here is todays food plan. I managed to walk 10, 200 steps today and burn lots of unwanted calories. Oh and im including a picture for throwback thursday of me when I was little.

Lunch: 11:00 am
Chicken Tenders: 19 Carbs
Biscuit 18 Carbs
Total: 37/50 Carbs

Snack: 2:00 pm
McDonalds Kiddie Cone 7 Carbs
Total: 7/20 Carbs

Dinner: 6:30 pm
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 33 Carbs
2 inch square cake: 15 Carbs
Total: 48/50 Carbs

Snack: 9:00 pm
Apples 15 Carbs
Total: 15/20 Carbs

So I did great for my second day back onto my healthy lifestyle! I managed to only eat a total of 107 Carbs!

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Food Plan 4-24-13

Hello! As many of you know I stopped blogging because I really didnt have much to say. I went to see my nutritionist on tuesday. So here it is my meal plan for April 24, 2013.

Lunch 12:00
Grilled Chicken 10 Carbs
Rice Pilaf 1/2 cup 15 carbs
Roll 20 Carbs
Total: 45/50 Carbs

Snack: 6:30
Chick-Fil-A Nuggets (8 count) 13 Carbs
Total: 13/20 Carbs

Dinner: 8:20
Cheese Pizza 1/2 38 Carbs
Total: 38/50 Carbs

Snack 9:30
Skinny Cow Bar 14 Carbs
Total: 14/20 Carbs

Overall I am proud of myself....I ate a total of 110 Carbs in my entire day. 

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Monday, April 8, 2013

Food Plan 4-8-13

Well Here it is....

    AB Grilled Cheese 20 Carbs
    Chicken & Dumpling Soup 17 Carbs
    2 Atkins Bar 4 Carbs
Total: 41/50 Carbs

      PS: I didnt know they were this bad...always check before you eat!!!!
     Apple Bar 26 Carbs 
    Total: 26/20 Carbs

      Mac & Cheese 35 Carbs
      Green Beans 15 Carbs
Total: 50/50 Carbs

       Apple Bar 26 Carbs
Total: 26/20 Carbs

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Food Plan 4-4-13

Hello again everyone! Today was kind of a failure. Not to worry working hard on my diet so im being 100% honest with these post so lets get started....

        Chick-fil-a Biscuit 44 carbs
        Diet Coke 0 Carb

Spaghetti 5 Carbs (5 bites)
     3 Breadsticks 54 Carbs...hmmm NO comment to that... :(
Total: 59/50 Carbs FAIL

       1/3 Atkins Bar 5 Carbs
Total: 5/20 Carbs

     Green Beans 5 Carbs
      Corn on the cob 15 Carbs
     4 Homemade Chicken Tenders 0 Carbs
     Ketchup 0 Carbs (not enough use to count)
     Atkins Treat Bar: 10 Carbs
Total: 30/50 Carbs
Well thats about it! Thanks for reading and remember..we all fail sometimes but we have to get up.

-Jenna #letsgethealthy    

Monday, April 1, 2013

Food Plan 4-1-13

Hello everyone! IM BACK! Today I started back onto my diet today. So its time to start counting carbs again! Here is what I ate today...truthfully I really enjoyed today. I just ate in moderation!

         Grilled Cheese 20 Carbs
         AB Chicken and Dumpling Soup (bowl) 17 Carbs
         Diet Coke 0 Carbs
  Total: 37/50 Carbs! HAPPY DANCE!

      M & M (10) 10 Carbs
  Protein: Milk 1/4 cup 3 Carbs
Total: 13/20 Carbs

  PF Changs Mongolian Beef 20 Carbs
  White Rice 30 Carbs ( I didn't know it was that much opps)
Total: 50/50 Carbs!!!!! NEVER DO THIS!!!

   Small Cookie: 15 Carbs
   Milk 1/4 cup 3 carbs
Total: 18/20 carbs
My day started good but ended badly tomorrow I am going to work harder and be more strict with my diet! Who knew white rice was so bad!!!! Brown is the same as well!!!! AHHHH!

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Food Plan 1-31-13

Hello everyone. Today was again another hard day. To be honest I don't at all feel as if im losing a single pound and I understand why. I have been worrying to much and counting every carb to the point of no return. I also don't feel as if I have been eating the foods I should be ether. I will be trying much HARDER in February. I've also been adding a workout routine as well. I try to walk on the treadmill for 15-30 minutes at night. I also will be adding sit ups as well. My goal is to lose a total of 30 pounds. Im only 13 pounds away and I can taste it. Cross your fingers for me.

             AB Chicken Chili 20 Carbs
             Grilled Cheese 20 Carbs
Total: 40/50 Carbs

SNACK: P.S I had NO idea this cookie had so many carbs...never again!!!!!!!
                AB 1/2 Chocolate Chip Cookie 24 Carbs
Total: 24/20 Carbs

             RR Burger Minus 1 Bun Plain 22 Carbs
             Mac and Cheese 20 Carbs
Total: 42/50 Carbs

So today I epically failed in the snack department. Tomorrow I won't be posting a meal plan I will just be posting my first weigh in. Maybe those 4 extra carbs didn't count

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

Meal Plan 1-30-13

Hello everyone. Sorry I didn't post a meal plan last night. I actually had a daddy daughter date with my dad and got back late. So here it is now. I managed to stay in my carb limit by limiting the amount I ate. I stayed a good bit under as well. :)

          Chicken Massaman 20 Carbs
          1/3 Cup White Rice 15 Carbs
      + 1 Skinny Cow Bar 14 Carbs
Total: 49/50 Carbs (way too close)

       8 Fl OZ 2% White Fat Free Milk 12 Carbs
Total: 12/20 carbs

       Outback 6 oz Steak (however I did not finish it so really 4 oz steak) 0 Carbs
       Potato Soup Cup 19 Carbs
       Dessert 3-4 Bites 16.5 Carbs
Total: 35.5/50 Carbs

I don't feel like I did my best with lunch but dinner and the snack was awesome....minus the desert.

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meal Plan 1-29-13

Hello everyone! This is day 2 of my January/ February Food Overview!!!! Everyday I am going to try a post what I ate each day including weigh loss weigh ins every friday.

Today was your usual tuesday. Of course I blew my no sweet rule but however I managed to stay within my carb limits. I am managing to not craze as much sweets so thats awesome. My goal is to have no sweets tomorrow. If I have one I won't be mad but it would be better to go without. Tomorrow I doubt I will have time to do a food post but I will deff. try. Today wasn't as hard as yesterday. So now what I ate...

        1 Skinny Cow Bar 14 carbs
        Chick-fil-a 12 count nuggets. - 2 Nuggets. 17 Carbs
        4 fries (I suggest skipping this) 9 1/2 Carbs btw: THATS JUST CRAZY
Total: 35 Carbs out of a possible 50!

      1 Skinny Cow Bar 14 carbs
Total: 14 Carbs/ 20 carbs

         3 Slices Cheese Pizza 39 Carbs
Total: 39 Carbs/ 50 Carbs

SNACK: 8fl oz 2% Fat Free Milk 12 carbs
Total: 12 Carbs/ 20 Carbs

 My new little secret for a snack is 2% fat free milk. It has ALOT of protein and vitamins. Thats like having cheese and some meat. It also fills you up. :)

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

Monday, January 28, 2013

Meal Plan 1-28-13

Hello everyone! Long time no post. As usual life doesn't give me a lot of time to post so my goal for the next few weeks is to post at least 5-7 days a week. Cross your fingers it will work.

So today I started back on my diet. Even though for the last few days I have been stuffing myself with junk I still managed to lose weight?!?!?!?!? Anyway today I have what I ate today straight from my food journal. I managed to do pretty well for the first day even though I did eat ice cream (1/2 cup of course) Its been really weird lately because all I crave is SUGAR! Maybe hormonal? Anyway by the way last thursday I saw my wonderful nutritionist. She managed to get me to tell the truth about all the well "CRUD" I had been eating. She even let me buy a wonderful book which I will review later about all the calories and carbs in food around us. Changed my mindset for sure. So now for what I ate. It wasn't the best but with my crazy sugar high I think I did pretty well.....

        1/3 cup white rice 15 carbs
        baked chicken 0 carbs
        green beans 3 carbs
        +  2 Skinny Cow Bar 28 carbs! BAD IDEA! DO NOT DO!
Total: 46/50 carbs

Snack: 1/2 Cup/ scoop Ice cream. (This is okay if you stick with the 1/2 cup)
15 Carbs/ 20 Carbs

           Chicken Chili 14 carbs
Total: 14 carbs/ 50 carbs

         1 cup 2% fat free milk
Total: 12 carbs /20 carbs

As I said this deff. wasn't the best way to start my new diet but everyday is a new day. My goal tomorrow is to have nothing sweet. Lets see.

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Little Secret.....

Hello again everyone! Today I want to share a little secret that can zap your appetite why giving you the wonderful taste of pasta. I want to introduce you to vegetable pasta. Its a multi colored pasta that has a full serving of veggies. Not only is it super yummy but your get 100% of the benefits of real veggies. What do they taste like? REGULAR PASTA. It just looks a little...well...colorful. My favorite is to make it into a yummy healthy mac and cheese. If you are a picky eater you will LOVE this. Its perfect for little kids to because it looks colorful but taste so amazing.  You can pick it up at any grocery store. The carb. levels are the same as regular pasta but if you give yourself a lesser portion and include a protein you will still lose the weight. So stop worrying about gooey veggies.....try this pasta. :)

- Jenna #letsgethealthy