Tuesday, January 1, 2013

My Little Secret.....

Hello again everyone! Today I want to share a little secret that can zap your appetite why giving you the wonderful taste of pasta. I want to introduce you to vegetable pasta. Its a multi colored pasta that has a full serving of veggies. Not only is it super yummy but your get 100% of the benefits of real veggies. What do they taste like? REGULAR PASTA. It just looks a little...well...colorful. My favorite is to make it into a yummy healthy mac and cheese. If you are a picky eater you will LOVE this. Its perfect for little kids to because it looks colorful but taste so amazing.  You can pick it up at any grocery store. The carb. levels are the same as regular pasta but if you give yourself a lesser portion and include a protein you will still lose the weight. So stop worrying about gooey veggies.....try this pasta. :)

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

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