Thursday, January 31, 2013

Food Plan 1-31-13

Hello everyone. Today was again another hard day. To be honest I don't at all feel as if im losing a single pound and I understand why. I have been worrying to much and counting every carb to the point of no return. I also don't feel as if I have been eating the foods I should be ether. I will be trying much HARDER in February. I've also been adding a workout routine as well. I try to walk on the treadmill for 15-30 minutes at night. I also will be adding sit ups as well. My goal is to lose a total of 30 pounds. Im only 13 pounds away and I can taste it. Cross your fingers for me.

             AB Chicken Chili 20 Carbs
             Grilled Cheese 20 Carbs
Total: 40/50 Carbs

SNACK: P.S I had NO idea this cookie had so many carbs...never again!!!!!!!
                AB 1/2 Chocolate Chip Cookie 24 Carbs
Total: 24/20 Carbs

             RR Burger Minus 1 Bun Plain 22 Carbs
             Mac and Cheese 20 Carbs
Total: 42/50 Carbs

So today I epically failed in the snack department. Tomorrow I won't be posting a meal plan I will just be posting my first weigh in. Maybe those 4 extra carbs didn't count

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

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