Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Meal Plan 1-29-13

Hello everyone! This is day 2 of my January/ February Food Overview!!!! Everyday I am going to try a post what I ate each day including weigh loss weigh ins every friday.

Today was your usual tuesday. Of course I blew my no sweet rule but however I managed to stay within my carb limits. I am managing to not craze as much sweets so thats awesome. My goal is to have no sweets tomorrow. If I have one I won't be mad but it would be better to go without. Tomorrow I doubt I will have time to do a food post but I will deff. try. Today wasn't as hard as yesterday. So now what I ate...

        1 Skinny Cow Bar 14 carbs
        Chick-fil-a 12 count nuggets. - 2 Nuggets. 17 Carbs
        4 fries (I suggest skipping this) 9 1/2 Carbs btw: THATS JUST CRAZY
Total: 35 Carbs out of a possible 50!

      1 Skinny Cow Bar 14 carbs
Total: 14 Carbs/ 20 carbs

         3 Slices Cheese Pizza 39 Carbs
Total: 39 Carbs/ 50 Carbs

SNACK: 8fl oz 2% Fat Free Milk 12 carbs
Total: 12 Carbs/ 20 Carbs

 My new little secret for a snack is 2% fat free milk. It has ALOT of protein and vitamins. Thats like having cheese and some meat. It also fills you up. :)

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

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