Thursday, April 25, 2013

Food Plan 4-24-13

Hello! As many of you know I stopped blogging because I really didnt have much to say. I went to see my nutritionist on tuesday. So here it is my meal plan for April 24, 2013.

Lunch 12:00
Grilled Chicken 10 Carbs
Rice Pilaf 1/2 cup 15 carbs
Roll 20 Carbs
Total: 45/50 Carbs

Snack: 6:30
Chick-Fil-A Nuggets (8 count) 13 Carbs
Total: 13/20 Carbs

Dinner: 8:20
Cheese Pizza 1/2 38 Carbs
Total: 38/50 Carbs

Snack 9:30
Skinny Cow Bar 14 Carbs
Total: 14/20 Carbs

Overall I am proud of myself....I ate a total of 110 Carbs in my entire day. 

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

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