Thursday, April 4, 2013

Food Plan 4-4-13

Hello again everyone! Today was kind of a failure. Not to worry working hard on my diet so im being 100% honest with these post so lets get started....

        Chick-fil-a Biscuit 44 carbs
        Diet Coke 0 Carb

Spaghetti 5 Carbs (5 bites)
     3 Breadsticks 54 Carbs...hmmm NO comment to that... :(
Total: 59/50 Carbs FAIL

       1/3 Atkins Bar 5 Carbs
Total: 5/20 Carbs

     Green Beans 5 Carbs
      Corn on the cob 15 Carbs
     4 Homemade Chicken Tenders 0 Carbs
     Ketchup 0 Carbs (not enough use to count)
     Atkins Treat Bar: 10 Carbs
Total: 30/50 Carbs
Well thats about it! Thanks for reading and remember..we all fail sometimes but we have to get up.

-Jenna #letsgethealthy    

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