Thursday, April 25, 2013

Food Plan 4-25-13

Hello everyone! So here is todays food plan. I managed to walk 10, 200 steps today and burn lots of unwanted calories. Oh and im including a picture for throwback thursday of me when I was little.

Lunch: 11:00 am
Chicken Tenders: 19 Carbs
Biscuit 18 Carbs
Total: 37/50 Carbs

Snack: 2:00 pm
McDonalds Kiddie Cone 7 Carbs
Total: 7/20 Carbs

Dinner: 6:30 pm
Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 33 Carbs
2 inch square cake: 15 Carbs
Total: 48/50 Carbs

Snack: 9:00 pm
Apples 15 Carbs
Total: 15/20 Carbs

So I did great for my second day back onto my healthy lifestyle! I managed to only eat a total of 107 Carbs!

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Food Plan 4-24-13

Hello! As many of you know I stopped blogging because I really didnt have much to say. I went to see my nutritionist on tuesday. So here it is my meal plan for April 24, 2013.

Lunch 12:00
Grilled Chicken 10 Carbs
Rice Pilaf 1/2 cup 15 carbs
Roll 20 Carbs
Total: 45/50 Carbs

Snack: 6:30
Chick-Fil-A Nuggets (8 count) 13 Carbs
Total: 13/20 Carbs

Dinner: 8:20
Cheese Pizza 1/2 38 Carbs
Total: 38/50 Carbs

Snack 9:30
Skinny Cow Bar 14 Carbs
Total: 14/20 Carbs

Overall I am proud of myself....I ate a total of 110 Carbs in my entire day. 

- Jenna #letsgethealthy

Monday, April 8, 2013

Food Plan 4-8-13

Well Here it is....

    AB Grilled Cheese 20 Carbs
    Chicken & Dumpling Soup 17 Carbs
    2 Atkins Bar 4 Carbs
Total: 41/50 Carbs

      PS: I didnt know they were this bad...always check before you eat!!!!
     Apple Bar 26 Carbs 
    Total: 26/20 Carbs

      Mac & Cheese 35 Carbs
      Green Beans 15 Carbs
Total: 50/50 Carbs

       Apple Bar 26 Carbs
Total: 26/20 Carbs

-Jenna #letsgethealthy

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Food Plan 4-4-13

Hello again everyone! Today was kind of a failure. Not to worry working hard on my diet so im being 100% honest with these post so lets get started....

        Chick-fil-a Biscuit 44 carbs
        Diet Coke 0 Carb

Spaghetti 5 Carbs (5 bites)
     3 Breadsticks 54 Carbs...hmmm NO comment to that... :(
Total: 59/50 Carbs FAIL

       1/3 Atkins Bar 5 Carbs
Total: 5/20 Carbs

     Green Beans 5 Carbs
      Corn on the cob 15 Carbs
     4 Homemade Chicken Tenders 0 Carbs
     Ketchup 0 Carbs (not enough use to count)
     Atkins Treat Bar: 10 Carbs
Total: 30/50 Carbs
Well thats about it! Thanks for reading and remember..we all fail sometimes but we have to get up.

-Jenna #letsgethealthy    

Monday, April 1, 2013

Food Plan 4-1-13

Hello everyone! IM BACK! Today I started back onto my diet today. So its time to start counting carbs again! Here is what I ate today...truthfully I really enjoyed today. I just ate in moderation!

         Grilled Cheese 20 Carbs
         AB Chicken and Dumpling Soup (bowl) 17 Carbs
         Diet Coke 0 Carbs
  Total: 37/50 Carbs! HAPPY DANCE!

      M & M (10) 10 Carbs
  Protein: Milk 1/4 cup 3 Carbs
Total: 13/20 Carbs

  PF Changs Mongolian Beef 20 Carbs
  White Rice 30 Carbs ( I didn't know it was that much opps)
Total: 50/50 Carbs!!!!! NEVER DO THIS!!!

   Small Cookie: 15 Carbs
   Milk 1/4 cup 3 carbs
Total: 18/20 carbs
My day started good but ended badly tomorrow I am going to work harder and be more strict with my diet! Who knew white rice was so bad!!!! Brown is the same as well!!!! AHHHH!

- Jenna #letsgethealthy