Thursday, August 7, 2014

It's A New Day.....

 Hello all my blog followers..... long time no post. Last time we talked I had lost about 20 pounds. I have struggled and STRUGGLED posting this but my guilt has finally fallen over me. I have gained about 8 pounds back. It has truly been a long and tedious process... of keeping the weight off. Everytime I weigh I gain or lose a pound or two. My weight goes back and forth like a see-saul. Honestly seeing the weight fluctuate like this is very discouraging. I have a endocrinologist appointment next week and I am scared to death. I gained ALOT of weight last week and I got blood work done. I have been having ALOT of problems with my thyroid and what I think may be some pre-diabetic (PCOS) problems. My real problem is being scared of hunger. I recently realized that I like to stuff my mouth with food that is well.... awful for me. I then decide to hide the food I eat. What I mean is that I like to hide the wrappers of the candy bars, or chips. Its not like I want to live like this.... I actually HATE IT. Sometimes I think my depression gets the best of me. I can tell I MUST change that. IM IN CHARGE!!!  So I will post sometime tomorrow my eating schedule for the next few weeks. I've got to get this weight off... Also next week I will for sure let you guys know how my doctors appointment goes and what exactly my results are. Wish me good luck! 

Have a great day! Oh and remember you are BEAUTIFUL! - Jenna Nicole

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

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