Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Food Plan May 8, 2013

Hello everyone. Its seems like everytime I promise to blog more it blows up in my face...anyway....
Today I have my first meal plan for May! I hope to post at least 3 a week. My goal is to get bikini ready for June and July! So here it is....

Chicken Curry 20 Carbs
White Rice 1/2 Cup 15 Carbs
Coconut Soup 10 Carbs
Total: 45/50 Carbs

Chicken and Cheese Sandwich 40 Carbs
Total: 40/50 Carbs

1/2 Cup Fro Yo 15 Carbs
Total: 15/20 Carbs

Total for the day: 100 Carbs

- Jenna Nicole